Information for speakers

Oral presentations

Oral presentations have a timeslot of 15 minutes. This means 10 minutes for the presentation, 4 minutes for questions and allowing for 1 minute to change speakers. We ask speakers to tightly adhere to this timing! A 16:9 format is preferred for all presentations. Presentations should be in PDF FORMAT to avoid incompatibilities between PowerPoint versions and to ensure a smooth transition between speakers. Presentations should be named using the following format: presentation number (can be found in the program), family name and surname of the FIRST author in capital letters separated by a underscore (e.g. O069_ADAMS_KEN.pdf). Presentations can be uploaded on-site with more detailed information to follow soon.


Poster presentations

Posters will be displayed on poster boards using adhesive dots before the dinner on Wednesday (see the program for full details). The poster session and associated dinner will take place in Palais des Festivités in Evians-les-Bains which is a venue separated from the main symposium area (i.e. 6 minutes walking). Clear instructions on when poster presenters can put their posters onto the displays will follow. When preparing your poster please follow some simple guidelines to make your work attractive and clearly visible:

  • Maximum poster format should be A0 (i.e. width: 84 cm x height: 120 cm) in a portrait format.
  • Use an adequate font size (e.g. minimum 85 pt for the main title, 36 pt for subheadings, 24 pt for the main text, and 18 pt for captions).
  • Do not overcharge your poster. The best posters will attract the attention with few highlighted keywords and clear figures.

To increase poster visibility, all poster titles together with a QR code to an online pdf format will be displayed at the main venue for participants to view. Poster presenters are thus requested to send a pdf format of their poster before the 7th of March. Follow the below guidelines when sending us your pdf:

  • Ensure a appropriate resolution of your pdf (as is needed to print your poster) but ensure that file size does not exceed 10 MB (note that a standard poster in pdf format might have a size of 1-2 MB).
  • Name your document with the poster number (can be found in the program), family name and surname of the FIRST author in capital letters separated by a underscore (e.g. P12_ADAMS_KEN.pdf).
  • Send this document to the AquaEcOmics general email ( with in the subject header "AquaEcOmics Poster - " followed by your name and surname (e.g. AquaEcOmics Poster - Adams Ken).