A meeting to explore aquatic ecosystems biodiversity, functionning and monitoring with eDNA and multi-Omics methods


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AquaEcOmics meeting: 

Metabarcoding, metagenomics and other omics methods revolutionize the study and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Come and join scientists and managers who will be discussing the use and development of these methods. 
AquaEcOmics meeting propose seven sessions to highlight the potential uses of Omics: look at them here.


from 17 to 20 March 2025


On the shore of Lake Geneva, in Evian (France), 50km from Geneva international airport. More info here.
The meeting will be also hybrid, in case you want to follow the meeting remotely.


Look at the program here and at the keynotes


A scientific committee comprising an international panel of experts will guarantee the excellence of the meeting by proposing keynotes and reviewing the abstracts submissions.
The local committee, composed by experts in the domain, is ready

Contact us: aquaecomics@inrae.fr 

Social networks: 

mastodon bluesky 

Why organising a meeting on this topic?

Aquatic ecosystems support an enormous biodiversity and provide a wide range of ecosystem services. The overall health of these ecosystems is tightly linked to their biodiversity, ecological networks and functions, and provide excellent indicators for local and regional pressures. Marine and freshwater ecosystems are under increasing pressure from anthropogenic changes through for example habitat degradation, over exploitation, climate change and pollution. To understand and mitigate these pressures high performance monitoring tools are needed. In recent decades omics application (e.g. quantitative PCR, metabarcoding, shotgun metagenomics, transcriptomics) are increasing used for biodiversity characterization and ecological assessments.

The use of omics tools to understand patterns and drivers of aquatic biodiversity has increased dramatically in recent years due to the accessibility of the tools and the increasing technological advance in the field. Decreasing costs, increased outputs and accuracy of omics data have open up new opportunities for the implementation of these methods in ecology, biodiversity monitoring and conservation. Nevertheless, challenges remain with regards to implementation of these tools (e.g. standardization) and the interpretation of the obtained results (e.g. to support management actions).

The AquaEcOmics conference aims to bring together scientists and practitioners who use these methods to study aquatic ecosystems, so that they can exchange ideas and be aware of the latest advances. Applications can range from technical developments, fundamental ecological research using omics tools, biodiversity characterization through (e)DNA/RNA.


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